As it is known, the umbilical cord lies between the baby and the placenta and carries nutrients in the mother's blood, oxygen from the placenta to the baby. It also carries the substances in the baby blood to the placenta. The normal length of the cord is between 55-75 cm. In cases where the cord is longer than normal, the risk of getting around the neck of the baby increases. Cords longer than 100 cm are considered risky in this regard. Approximately 30 percent of births at normal time have a cord entanglement in the neck. The cord often wraps around the baby's neck for 1 turn, sometimes 2-3 turns, or even rarely 5-6 turns. During pregnancy examinations, cord entanglement can be seen with ultrasound (normal B-mode or doppler examination). The cord can sometimes wrap around the navel, arms, shoulders. The reason for the cord entanglement is not known clearly. As the pregnancy months progress, the frequency of the cord on the neck of the baby increases as well. There are 2 types of cord: locked and not locked while tangling. There is no method to correct or prevent cord entanglement.
In the researches, the probability of the cord on the neck of the babies in the back wall of the uterus, especially the placenta (baby's spouse), was found to be higher than the babies with the placenta in front. The rate of incidence was found to be higher in single identical twins, in male babies, in those who gave birth to a baby with a cord in the neck.
In infants with a cord, sometimes a slowing of the baby's heartbeat is detected during labor or if the cord is too short, it may prevent the baby from getting off the birth canal, in which case cesarean may be required. In babies who have a cord around their neck, the risk of cesarean delivery is higher than that of babies who do not wrap the cord. Sometimes it can cause the normal delivery to take longer. For this reason, the births and heartbeat tracts (NST) of the pregnant women whose cords are detected on the neck are followed more closely.
While some of the studies reported that umbilical cord entanglement in the neck of the baby during pregnancy did not have any negative effects (neonatal morbidity and mortality did not change) after birth, some studies, on the contrary, postpartum asphyxia in infants with longitudinal cords. reported that the risks increased.
In summary, as a result of many studies, it is not clear how much cord entanglement poses in terms of baby and birth and what should be done against these risks. It is clear, however, that it does not bring huge risks. Because, although it is a common condition that occurs in almost one third of births, no problem is found in many babies born with cord entanglement. It is not always clear whether this is due to cord entanglement or other reasons in infants who have problems. However, taking into account possible miscarriage risks, it is recommended to monitor more closely during pregnancy and delivery of cord entanglements. It has been reported in studies that there may be a cord in the neck in pregnant women who have complaints of decreased baby movements in the last stages of pregnancy, evaluation may be beneficial in this respect.


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