It is a common condition especially in the last weeks of pregnancy, close to birth.
How to understand watery discharge during pregnancy?
Leaking amniotic fluid can sometimes be too abundant, as if pouring a glass of water down the leg, and the mother can easily understand that her water is coming. Meanwhile, the mother's clothes, her seat or bed may get wet. Before the leaking amniotic fluid, it may or may not have any pain. The absence of pain does not mean that there is no watery discharge. Amniotic water is a warm, clear water. Sometimes water is not so violent to come, it may be in the form of a light leak or drip. In this case, it can be confused with discharge or incontinence. The mother expresses this as flowing water. It is difficult for the mother to distinguish this. For this reason, it should definitely consult a doctor for a definitive diagnosis.
What is the difference between watery discharge and vaginal discharge?
Vaginal discharge during pregnancy is a common condition every month and may be more in recent months. The discharge is usually dark, sticky, sometimes fragrant and in small amounts. The discharge will never be as much as pouring water down the mother's leg or wetting her pants and bed. The baby's amnion water is just like normal water, its color is clear and slightly yellowish. Usually only if the baby is pooped, it can be dark brown, green. Amnion water feels warm.
Opening the water sac by the doctor (amniotomy):
Amnine's fluid is located inside the amniotic membrane and the baby moves freely in the water inside this balloon-shaped membrane. The opening in the cervix is ​​checked occasionally when the mother has a pain when the birth begins, and when the opening reaches a certain level, usually 4-5 cm opening occurs, the baby's water sac (amnion sac) is opened by piercing in a thin, long tool. The mother does not feel pain or discomfort at this time. It is a short process that takes a few seconds. After the baby's water bladder is opened, delivery proceeds faster. Sometimes the mother's watery discharge and amnion water flowed out before the birth started. In this case, delivery takes place without amniotomy.
Is watery discharge harmful for the mother or baby?
If watery discharge occurs in early pregnancy weeks, it may cause risk of preterm delivery. Also, especially in the early weeks, watery discharge can cause infection of the uterus and amniotic membranes (chorioamnionitis). Antibiotic therapy is given to prevent this. The water bladder protects the baby from the external environment and from bacteria that can rise up from below through the vagina. For this reason, if the water sac is opened, bacteria causing infection can progress from the vagina into the uterus. Watery discharge, which does not take weeks or close to birth, does not usually cause such risky situations. Already in 1-2 days birth usually takes place.
What should be done in case of watery discharge?
Irrespective of the week of pregnancy, watery discharge (or suspect) requires urgently consulting a doctor. Watery discharge can cause preterm labor if it occurred before 36th gestational week. Water in the last weeks of pregnancy close to birth indicates that birth will take place within 1-2 days. If the watery discharge occurs in the very early weeks of pregnancy before the baby has completed its development, it is tried to wait for the baby to complete its development and prevent birth. In the meantime, antibiotics and tocolytic (painkiller) drugs are used.


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