Anal atresia (anorectal atresia) is the closure of the anus and rectum, the last part of the intestines, due to impaired development. Since there is no opening in this section, the baby cannot poop. This rare anomaly is very difficult to notice in ultrasound examinations before delivery. Sometimes it can be suspected that the bowels are wider than normal on ultrasound, which is only possible in the last months of pregnancy. Approximately 1 in 5000 births. It is seen in girls and boys in approximately the same frequency. The diagnosis is made after the baby's breech is seen closed after birth. In addition, the baby's inability to poop and swelling of the abdomen also causes suspicion.
There may be other anomalies that accompany anal atresia. In addition to anal atresia, there may be conditions such as kidney anomalies, esophageal atresia, arm-leg anomalies, heart anomalies, cleft palate-lip, excess or low water level of the baby. If these concomitant anomalies are not present, anal atresia alone does not cause a big problem and prognosis is good after delivery. In the treatment, it is necessary to open the surgery and sometimes open a colostomy (suturing to the abdomen of the intestine).


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