Microcephaly means that the head of the fetus is smaller than
normal. (Normal is below 2 or 3 standard deviations) In microcephaly there is a
disproportion between the skull and the face, the forehead is flat, the brain
is small. Ventriculomegaly may accompany.
Some genetic diseases (trisomy 13, 18) may develop
microcephaly due to various causes such as infections (CMV), radiation effect,
maternal alcohol use, and some maternal diseases.
Diagnosing microcephaly is not very clear and unambiguous.
Various conditions can be confusing, such as the proportion of other organs of
the body and whether or not they have developmental retardation.
Mental retardation may develop in fetuses with microcephaly.
But not all of these fetuses have mental retardation. There is a wide range of
data on what percentage of fetuses mental retardation develops. Excessive
microcephaly and other accompanying anomalies worsen the prognosis.