Food poisoning is a table of nausea, vomiting, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea caused by consuming foods contaminated with certain bacteria and their toxins. Sometimes fever may accompany, cramps in the abdomen. These complaints begin within 1-2 days at the latest, as it may be 1-2 hours after consuming the foods that cause poisoning. Although they consume the same food together, food poisoning occurs in some people, but not in others. It is common in the summer months, as it is difficult to preserve and preserve food freshly in the summer months. It can be in hotels and holiday villages where there is a mass meal. Milk, yogurt, dairy desserts, cream foods, pastry, meat, chicken, mayonnaise, seafood are the foods that cause food poisoning and should be considered. You should dispose of any food that you suspect is spoiled without even tasting, even a small amount of food to taste can cause poisoning. Since bacteria are invisible, even a normal-looking food can contain many bacteria and toxins.
The most common bacteria causing food poisoning are salmonella, clostridium perfringens, esherichia coli, listeria monocytogenes (listeria infection) and shigella bacteria. Salmonella is found especially in raw or uncooked pasteurized milk, chicken, eggs. Therefore, unpasteurized milk should never be used during pregnancy. Bacteria called Clostridium Perfringens are found in soil, in the digestive systems of humans and animals, in waters contaminated with feces, and in raw meats.
Effects on pregnancy and baby:
Unless symptoms such as excessive fluid loss and general condition disorder, too high fever for a long time, it can not be expected to have a negative effect on the baby during pregnancy. However, after the treatment of the mother, the baby must be checked afterwards.
Even if nothing is done in the treatment frequently, recovery occurs as soon as toxin is removed, but if there is a suspicion of food poisoning, it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately, whether or not there is a pregnancy. Fluids lost by diarrhea and vomiting are given by mouth and serum. In some food poisoning, antibiotic treatment is also required. Very rarely gastric lavage is not always necessary.
To protect against food poisoning:
The rules that pregnant women and non-pregnant people should always pay attention to protect from food poisoning: It is necessary to pay attention to hand cleaning. Unpasteurized milk should never be consumed. It is necessary to avoid raw and uncooked meats. frozen meat should be thawed well before cooking and thawed food should not be frozen again. Pay attention to expiration dates, it should not be consumed even after 1-2 days. Fruits and vegetables should be washed with plenty of water and consumed.


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