Pregnancy begins from the moment the sperm from the man fertilizes the egg cell that is thrown from the ovaries of the woman. The baby is called the embryo from this moment until the end of the 8th week, and the fetus from the period after the 8th week to the birth.
The pregnancy hormone called HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) begins to be secreted by the cells surrounding the embryo from the moment the embryo settles in the intrauterine layer called the endometrium (5-6 days after fertilization). The basis for pregnancy tests is the detection of this pregnancy hormone.
As pregnancy progresses, β-HCG, which gradually increases in the blood, begins to appear in the urine after exceeding a certain threshold level, and makes the pregnancy test appear positive in the urine. The pregnancy test from the blood also determines the amount of B-HCG in the blood. For him, the blood test can detect the presence or absence of pregnancy, even without delay in menstruation. The urine test never reaches the reliability of the blood test. When the presence of pregnancy is detected in the urine test, the possibility of inaccuracy is low; however, when its absence is detected, the test should be repeated after a while considering the possibility of early pregnancy. (In very early pregnancies, the urine test may not show pregnancy. This may be very low for the blood test too.)
The BETA-HCG hormone, which is examined in the blood, is a valuable test used in the diagnosis and follow-up of ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, as well as in the detection of pregnancies that cannot be detected by the urine test.
How long after the urine pregnancy test results?
Pregnancy test in urine can not give results in the days immediately after intercourse. In order to give correct results, it is necessary to wait until the menstrual delay occurs and perform the test in those days.
The reason for this is that pregnancy test in urine is based on the logic that pregnancy-related HCG hormone is detected in the urine as a result of passing from the mother's blood to urine. Pregnancy may occur with the relationship entered near the spawning time. Even if a pregnancy occurs with a relationship close to the day of ovulation, it takes 6-10 days for this pregnancy to progress to the uterus and settle in the uterus. After settling in the uterus, the hormone HCG secreted from pregnancy can pass into the blood of the mother. In fact, it may take a few days for this hormone to pass into the mother's blood and then to the mother's urine after pregnancy has settled in the womb. Because of all this, in short, if pregnancy occurs after a close relationship to ovulation time, it should take almost 15 days for the pregnancy secreted HCG hormone to pass into the urine of the mother. This corresponds to the next menstrual period, that is, if pregnancy has occurred, the time will be delayed.
Therefore, if a relationship with a suspicion of pregnancy has been entered, a urine pregnancy test should be performed when there is a delay in menstruation. If pregnancy does not occur in this test, the test should be repeated 1 week later to increase reliability. In this way, if the second test is carried out, the test reliability is 90% in the first test and up to 95%.
It is more reliable if the test shows positive (have pregnancy) than negative (no pregnancy). Nevertheless, whatever the test shows, in any kind of menstrual delay, you should consult a doctor because even if the test shows pregnancy, this may not be a normal pregnancy, it may be an ectopic pregnancy. Even if the test shows no pregnancy, you can become pregnant without noticing.
Diagnosis of pregnancy with ultrasound:
When the menstruation is delayed by one week, that is, when the pregnancy is 5 weeks old, the gestational sac can be seen with vaginal ultrasound; Pregnancy should be at least 6 weeks old so that the abdomen can be seen with ultrasound (abdominal).
When blood pregnancy test (BHCG) value reaches 1500, gestational sac can be seen with transvaginal ultrasound. When the BHCG value reaches 2000-3000, the gestational sac can be seen with ultrasound from the abdomen, it cannot be seen before.
A positive pregnancy test is evidence of the presence of pregnancy in the body, but this pregnancy may not be a normal pregnancy, it may be inside or outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). Whether pregnancy is in the womb can only be determined by ultrasound, pregnancy tests with urine or blood cannot be determined.


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