Informing the mothers about all the developments and expected situations during pregnancy starting from the pre-pregnancy period ensures that mothers have a more conscious and healthy, safe pregnancy period. This information should also include the father on some issues, so that the father becomes conscious about the issues that he can support the expectant mother. After birth, mothers should be informed about maternity and infant care. The widespread use of these informative activities in hospitals, private centers, television, newspapers, magazines, and the Internet enables the prospective mothers in the country to get to know themselves better, in other words, pregnancy and birth. Being informed brings courage and peace, on the contrary, living with ignorance and hearsay leads to situations such as fear, anxiety, lack of confidence, lack of self-confidence, and indecision. Armed with conscious and accurate information, expectant mothers are confident during pregnancy and birth, and, if necessary, participate in decision-making with their doctor, and suggest healthy ideas; As a result of all this, mother and baby health is carried to higher levels in the country.
Although the level and scope of informing the mother candidates may vary according to the educational, cultural and socioeconomic level of the woman and her family, certain information should be provided to each family in a suitable scope and form. Such practices should be emphasized in various ways in various countries in the world.
Prospective mothers should be informed about:
Before pregnancy:
- Female anatomy
- Correct and balanced nutrition
- Consanguineous marriage and genetic diseases
- Information about the chronic diseases of the expectant mother, if any, and their effects on pregnancy
- Information about smoking and alcohol use
- Sexual intercourse, family planning, adequate breaks between births and necessary birth control methods
During pregnancy:
- Tests and tests during pregnancy
- Nutrition during pregnancy
- Medicines, vitamins to be used in pregnancy
- Changes in pregnancy to the body of the expectant mother
- Complaints and symptoms that the mother will encounter during pregnancy
- Baby development stages
- Screening tests applied in pregnancy and their goals, results
- Substances to be considered during pregnancy such as cigarettes, alcohol, sweeteners and caffeine
- Travels such as cars, planes during pregnancy
- Sexual intercourse during pregnancy
- Dressing during pregnancy
- Psychological changes in pregnancy
- Weight gain during pregnancy
- Exercise and sports during pregnancy
- Ultrasonography in pregnancy, its benefits and limits
- Mother's counting and tracking baby movements
In the near term:
- Symptoms indicating the onset of birth
- What to do when preparing for birth
- Correct breathing and straining techniques
- Information about normal birth and cesarean, in which cases cesarean may be required
- Painless birth, epidural anesthesia and other applications that will increase the comfort of the mother candidate in normal birth
- What is the birth incision (episiotomy), in what cases and why it is applied.
After the birth:
- Symptoms and complaints that may occur after normal birth and cesarean
- Mother and baby care after birth
- Changes that occur in the body after birth (return to old)
- Postpartum exercise and sports, weight loss, nutrition
- Postpartum sexual intercourse
- Methods of menstruation and prevention after childbirth
- Preparing to be a parent and psychosocial adaptation
Many studies have shown that educating and informing prospective mothers reduces birth complications, increased normal birth rates, made mother feel less pain and more comfortable delivery, increased the rate of recalling mothers 'births as a good memory, decreased mothers' anxiety at birth, shortened delivery times. reduced the need for medical intervention at birth.


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