Silent miscarriage is also known as missed miscarriage. The silent miscarriage is the result of pregnancy miscarriage in the very early period, without embryo or gestational sac after the pregnancy begins. Since this miscarriage is very early, they are not noticeable like other miscarriage and can only be suspected in the assays by the rise of the B-HCG hormone in the blood. It is a small and indeterminate miscarriagea that cannot be noticed without analysis. The majority of women experience such a "silent miscarriage", but they do not realize it and think they have menstruation. Because a big part is dropped, etc. It does not occur.
Causes of silent miscarriage?
In silent miscarriages, no cause can be seen on ultrasound or examination. The loss of pregnancies that are too small to be seen yet in such an early period are probably genetic (chromosomal) disorders during pregnancy. Since it is not possible to develop a genetically impaired pregnancy, it is thrown out of the uterus early.
If B-HCG drops to zero normally over time, it does not require any treatment or abortion. Because silent miscarriagerahim is too small to leave parts in it. The decrease in B-HCG blood value should be followed, if there is no decrease, it should be evaluated in terms of ectopic pregnancy or another pathology.
What are the symptoms? How to understand
Since silent miscarriage is a very early pregnancy loss, that is, a very early miscarriage, it can cause fragmentation, excessive bleeding, etc., like other miscarriages. No way. The patient notices only a small amount of bleeding. Contrary to normal miscarriages, there is not much pain because the amount of pregnancy and bleeding is small, and often there is no pain at all.
Early silent miscarriages occur in most women and are often undiagnosed. Because she does not realize that she is pregnant because she has no obvious complaints, she thinks of a normal bleeding and does not consult a doctor. So it is not often understood that silent miscarriage is.
Is there a pregnancy after silent miscarriage?
Silent miscarriage is very common in women, and most women may not even know that they have had it. If there is no other problem with the expectant mother, then a normal pregnancy and birth may occur again. The risk of miscarriage or preterm delivery in subsequent pregnancies is the same as in all women, not more. Prospective mothers who have had silent miscarriage do not need to worry about this in their later pregnancy.
How long should those who live in silent miscarriage be protected?
Silent miscarriage passers should be protected for 2-3 months as in other normal miscarriages. After this time, they may try to become pregnant again. The period of getting pregnant again can vary from 1 to 12 months, as in every couple.
What is the difference between silent miscarriage, empty pregnancy and ectopic pregnancy?
Silent miscarriage and empty pregnancy began to occur in the normal place in the uterus. At Silent miscarriage, the miscarriage started very early, before the gestational sac and baby started to form. In an empty pregnancy, pregnancy was able to proceed to a more advanced stage. Empty pregnancy also results in miscarriage like silent miscarriage. Ectopic pregnancy is completely different from these. Pregnancy has settled in an organ outside the uterus. Since pregnancy is not in the uterus, it is not possible for it to develop or to give birth. Therefore, it is eliminated by surgery or medication. Ectopic pregnancy usually stops developing in very early weeks, just like any other. However, sometimes there may be an improvement in the ectopic pregnancy to see the baby and heart beat. Of these 3 types of pregnancy, the type in which babies and heart beats can be seen is only ectopic pregnancy. However, baby and heart rate cannot occur in silent miscarriage and empty pregnancy.
Does the pregnancy test value indicate that it is silent miscarriage?
The urine pregnancy test does not provide this type of information because it states that there is only a pregnancy. A low or high blood pregnancy test (B-HCG) value cannot predict that a pregnancy will result in silent miscarriage. However, after the bleeding and pregnancy is seen to be lost, the low pregnancy test (BETA-HCG) value indicates that the lost pregnancy is an early pregnancy loss, that is, silent miscarriage.


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