In medicine, the term advanced age is used to describe the expectant mothers who are 35 years old or later.
Advanced maternal age also carries some risks for both mother and baby. With the advancement of age, the frequency of some chronic diseases increases in mothers. The most common among them are hypertension (high blood pressure) and diabetes. Hypertension is 2-4 times more than pregnant women at an early age. Chronic hypertension, which has been in existence for a long time and has caused vascular damage, can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby. The main danger is superimposed (developed on the background of chronic hypertension) preeclampsia, which may occur in expectant mothers with chronic hypertension.
The increase in the frequency of cardiovascular disease, neurological diseases, kidney, liver, lung and connective tissue diseases and cancers negatively affect the course of pregnancy.
What are the unwanted consequences related to pregnancy and birth in older pregnancies?
The first thing that comes to mind is the chromosomal anomaly, which is the down syndrome that we see more frequently in the society than the others, that is, mongolism. The risk of developing Down syndrome in the baby increases with increasing maternal age. Older pregnancies have an increased risk of ending with miscarriage.
Reduced mobility in advanced age-related tubes and previous pelvic infections increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Advancing age is a risk factor for preterm birth and premature baby birth and retarded development of the baby in the womb.
Increased detachment of the placenta (early separation of the placenta) and placenta previa (leading the placenta) lead to an increase especially in the 3rd trimester bleeding.
Increased risks in advanced age pregnancies:
- Hypertension, preclampsia
- Gestational diabetes (GDM)
- Preterm labor (Preterm delivery)
- Fetan aneuploidy, trisomies
- Maternal and fetal mortality
What problems can there be with the fetus, newborn and labor in advanced pregnancy?
Conditions such as chronic diseases of the mother, retarded growth, preeclampsia, uteroplacental insufficiency (disruption of placental function), and, in turn, can lead to the occurrence of conditions ranging from neurological sequelae to infant death in a spectrum ranging from fetal distress to fetal and newborn asphyxia.
All the stages of the birth process of the expectant mothers with advanced age, take longer and these babies have increased risk of large baby frequency and shoulder dystocia (delivery at birth).
Father's age: There is no relationship between an advanced father's age and aneuploidy (trisomy, down syndrome). However, there may be an increase in some autosomal dominant diseases due to spontaneous mutations.


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