Benefits of drinking milk during pregnancy:
During pregnancy, the mother's need for calcium increases. Milk is one of the most abundant sources of calcium. During pregnancy, a mother who drinks about 3 glasses of milk a day provides all the necessary calcium for herself and her baby. Cow's milk contains protein, various vitamins (vitamins D, A, C, K), minerals such as phosphorus, fluorine, iron, iodine and fat, besides calcium.
How much milk should be drunk during pregnancy?
The daily calcium need of a pregnant woman is up to 1000 mg. The need for pregnant women under 18 is higher, it is 1300 mg daily. The expectant mother does not have to meet all of this need from milk because many foods such as cheese, yogurt, vegetables, fruits, legumes contain calcium, although not as abundantly as in milk. It is enough to drink 3 glasses of milk a day during pregnancy. One cup of milk contains approximately 250 mg of calcium, 750 mg of calcium in three glasses is quite enough, the rest of the need is easily completed with other foods. The benefits of milk in terms of mother and baby during pregnancy are not only dependent on the calcium it contains, but also the vitamin D and protein it contains are important.
The benefits and importance of milk during pregnancy:
Drinking milk during pregnancy prevents calcium deficiency in the mother and therefore bone loss. There are many benefits to the baby, especially bone and dental health.
There are studies showing that the birth weight of the children of mothers who did not drink milk during their pregnancy was higher than that of mothers who drink milk and that allergies are more common in children of mothers who do not drink milk.
It has been reported from a study that the babies of mothers who drink less than one glass of milk a day have less birth weight than those who drink more than one glass of milk.
In a study, it was reported that MS (multiple sclerosis) disease was observed less frequently in children of mothers who consumed milk during pregnancy.
Can't drink milk?
Milk is primarily the food to be preferred due to its benefits other than calcium during pregnancy, but those who cannot drink milk due to lactose intolerance or other reasons can consume plenty of cheese, yogurt and buttermilk as a source of calcium. For those who have lactose intolerance, there are lactose-free milk in the markets, consuming them will also benefit. If you cannot consume any of these nutrients, then you should definitely contact your doctor for the necessary calcium supplement.


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