What should we eat during pregnancy? What shouldn't we eat? questions such as are the most frequently encountered questions. As in every period of life, it is important to eat a balanced and healthy diet during pregnancy. Unilateral nutrition should be avoided and protein, carbohydrate, fat and vitamin - minerals should be taken in appropriate proportions as required. The daily need of all these nutrients increases during pregnancy. During pregnancy, 300 kilocalories more than other people should be taken, that is, approximately 2300 kilocalories. In addition to regular and adequate nutrition, it is recommended to use iron medication every day during pregnancy and use folic acid vitamin in the first months of pregnancy. Daily multivitamin preparations can also be recommended for pregnant women who are not adequately fed. Pregnancy mother candidate gets enough 10-12 kilos by eating enough. Weight monitoring should be done during pregnancy. It is normal to gain an average of 0.5-1 kg in the first three months and an average of 1.5-2.0 kilos in the following periods.
As it is valid for people who are not pregnant during pregnancy, it is necessary to avoid excessive fatty foods, foods such as cakes, biscuits without nutritional value that contain unnecessary excess calories. Do not consume pastries and fatty foods too much. Food should be eaten frequently and little during the day. It should be fed 5-6 meals a day, not 3 meals a day. Excess salt should not be consumed. Fast food foods should be avoided. It is beneficial to consume fruits and vegetables as they are mineral-vitamin sources. Meat and dairy products will provide the necessary protein during pregnancy. It is very useful to consume fish 1-2 days a week during pregnancy. Consuming fish 1-2 days a week and consuming 1-2 walnuts a day is beneficial for the mother to take omega 3 fish oil, which is important for the brain development of the baby. Tuna can also be consumed provided that it is not more than 2 times a week, it is useful. Since fish contains mercury, it is not recommended to consume more than 2 fish a week during pregnancy.
Abundant fluid intake is also important during pregnancy and this is mostly covered by water. Plenty of water should be drunk an average of 10 glasses of water a day. Drinks such as tea, coffee and cola should be consumed in small amounts during pregnancy. There is no harm in drinking mineral water (soda). Herbal teas such as linden, mint, rosehip, lemon, sage and chamomile are also available. Alcoholic beverages should not be consumed during pregnancy, it is very inconvenient. It can cause a condition called fetal alcohol syndrome. Drinking 2-3 glasses of milk a day will be beneficial for calcium.
Dieting during pregnancy is not correct. The expectant mother should start pregnancy at a normal weight according to her height and continue with a normal amount (on average 10-12 pounds) during pregnancy. If the mother has excess weight at the beginning of pregnancy, she should not try to lose these weights during pregnancy, she should only continue to get pregnant by gaining less weight.
It is necessary to avoid consuming raw meat, raw meatballs, uncooked eggs, mayonnaise and unpasteurized milk.


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