Diarrhea means defecation more than 3 times a day, and the
consistency of the stool can range from slightly soft to watery. The causes of
diarrhea are often infectious agents. In addition, there may be diarrhea due to
drugs (antibiotics), certain intestinal diseases and food poisoning. Diarrhea
that lasts less than 2 weeks is called acute diarrhea. In acute diarrhea, 90%
cause infectious agents. In acute diarrhea, complaints such as nausea,
vomiting, fever and abdominal pain are also common. These infectious agents are
often taken from poorly cleaned hands, unhygienic food and beverages, and
unreliable nutrients. It should be noted that the foodstuffs are reliable
brands and that the last menstrual period has not passed.
Antibiotic use-related diarrhea may start from the first days
of the drug use, or even 1 month after the drug ends.
The person with diarrhea loses a lot of fluid, so the first
rule of treatment is to replace the lost fluid and electrolytes. Therefore, the
patient is supplemented with plenty of fluids, sometimes by mouth, sometimes by
serum. It is even more important to drink plenty of fluids during pregnancy and
not to dehydrate. Stool and blood tests can be done to investigate the cause of
diarrhea. If the infection agent (bacteria) is detected in the tests, suitable
antibiotics are given to the baby, which can be used during pregnancy, which
will not be harmful. If the reason is amoeba, antibiotics are given for this.
Diarrhea patients are given a special diarrhea diet.
(Bloody Diarrhea)
The dysentery, also known as bloody diarrhea, is caused by
amoeba (amoebic dysentery) or bacterial infection (bacillus dysentery) called
shigella. Stool is bloody in diarrhea, accompanied by high fever, nausea, vomiting,
severe abdominal pain. (Not every bloody diarrhea dysentery) Dysentery is more
common in summer. Failure to comply with hygiene rules is the first factor in
contamination. Vegetables and fruits should be cleaned and consumed very well.
It is not transmitted by approaching or touching other people, it is
transmitted through microbes-carrying food, namely the fecal-oral route.
In the treatment, antibiotics are given without any side
effects on pregnancy and baby and plenty of fluid is applied.