Listeria infection (Listeriosis) is an infection caused by a
bacterium called Listeria monocytogenes. In healthy adults, it often passes
without creating any complaints or with mild gip-like complaints. However, it
can cause serious problems with the baby in the form of miscarriage, premature
birth, stillbirth and various anomalies in pregnant women. Pregnant women and
people whose immune system is suppressed due to various diseases are more risky
for this infection. The reason for such risks in pregnant women is that it is a
bacteria that tends to settle in the placenta.
It can be transmitted to people by taking products such as
raw meat, seafood and eggs, unpasteurized milk and foods produced with this
milk, unwashed vegetables and fruits, and ready-made foods.
Effects to
the baby:
The infection can be passed on to the baby through the
placenta during pregnancy or during childbirth. It can cause miscarriage,
preterm birth, stillbirth and various anomalies. Hepatitis, pneumonia,
neurological damage may occur in the fetus. It may cause sepsis in the newborn
To be
- Do not eat vegetables and fruits without washing with
plenty of water
- Do not consume unpasteurized milk and dairy products
- Do not eat raw or poorly cooked fish, meat, eggs
- Do not eat foods such as sausages, salami, and sausages
without heating them.
- Do not eat salads with sauces that are prepared and waited
- When purchasing frozen foods, make sure that the cold chain
is not broken
- Do not consume expired products
- Do not freeze frozen and thawed foods again
For diagnosis, mother blood, urine, blood from baby cord,
cultures made from amniotic fluid are used.
Penicillin-derived antibiotics are used for its treatment.