Determining the gender of the baby with some methods and techniques applied before pregnancy has always been a subject of interest since ancient times. Therefore, in every society, there are various techniques derived from this subject that are explained among the public. However, the truth is that none of these suggestions are effective in determining the sex of the baby.
Determining the gender of babies in advance and bringing babies of the desired sex into the world can disrupt some sensitive balances in nature. Anyway, most of the couples' thoughts are in the most correct way, "the important thing is to keep the baby healthy". Normally, the number of male and female babies born is almost equal.
Do not forget that those who try some methods and get the desired gender are completely random. Since there are two possibilities for girls or boys, whatever method is tried, there is a fifty percent chance of keeping it. Therefore, such stories should not be respected. Apart from the genetic method called PGD, there is no method that can determine the gender of the baby, it is all a waste of time.
Pregnancy occurs as a result of the combination of a male reproductive cell (sperm) and a female egg. The female egg cell contains only the X chromosome, the Y chromosome is not found in the woman. Some of the male sperm contains the X chromosome, some contain the Y chromosome. If a sperm containing the X chromosome fertilizes the woman's egg, two Xs come together (XX) and the baby becomes a girl. If a sperm containing the Y chromosome fertilizes the woman's egg cell, X and Y come together (XY) and the baby becomes a boy. In other words, it is the sperm of the man, not the woman who determines the gender.
Today, the most advanced and precise diagnostic method that can be used to determine the gender of the baby is PGD (preconceptional genetic diagnosis) method. With this method, a cell is taken from the fertilized embryo during IVF procedures and chromosomal diseases are investigated as well as gender. If the cell is of the desired sex, the embryo is placed in the mother's womb.

Methods of Mother and Father Nutrition
Although there are some suggestions about and written about it all over the world, none of them has a proven effectiveness.
Chinese Calendar Method
With this method, it is aimed to determine the gender of the baby when the woman has sexual intercourse at certain ages and months, but it has no scientific validity and evidence. Therefore, the details of this method are not described here. Such methods have no effect.
Shettles Medotu
The method developed by the doctor named Landrum Sheetles is based on the fact that the Y chromosome is faster and less alive than the X chromosome. With this logic, he argues that if a woman is close to the moment of ovulation (shortly before or after ovulation), the baby will be more likely to be a boy. On the contrary, he advocates that if the relationship is made 2-4 days before ovulation, the probability of the baby becoming a girl will increase. It is necessary to understand the moment of ovulation by measuring the body temperature every day or by looking at cervical mucus changes or with some urine tests. It is controversial how successful this method is in determining gender.
Whelan Method
It is a method that advocates the opposite of the Shettles principle. Elizabeth Whelan has described. He advocates that it is necessary to have intercourse 4-6 days before ovulation in order for the baby to be a boy, while advocating that it is necessary to have intercourse 2-3 days before the ovulation for the baby to be a girl. The effect of this method which contradicts the Shettles method is also controversial.
Ericsson Albumin Method
Dr. In the method described by Ericsson, sperms from men are tried to be divided into two as those containing X and Y chromosomes, but since this separation process is difficult, 100% net separation cannot be achieved and success is not 100%. If a baby boy is desired, pregnancy is tried with IUI (vaccination) method with sperm in the region containing the Y chromosome. If a baby girl is desired, vaccination with the sperm in the region containing the X chromosome is tried. Although the implementation of this method is ethically and legally objectionable, it is reported to be 70-80% successful and it is scientifically controversial.
Microsort Method
This method is based on the same logic as the Ericsson method, but a different method is used to separate the sperms into X and Y groups. In this method, flow cytometry and FISH methods are used. Sperms obtained by this method are given into the uterus by IUI (vaccination) or IVF methods. Success rates of around 70-80% are reported.
BabyChoice Method (Selnas Method)
This method is based on the logic that the surface of the female egg cell undergoes different polarization from time to time. In other words, while the egg cell attracts sperm containing X and Y chromosomes in some periods, it pushes in other periods. By creating a calendar that determines these periods, it is ensured that any gender baby is asked to be entered in that period. No intervention or separation of the mother or father or sperm and egg cell is made, only couples have to have sex according to the created calendar.
After all the methods described above, it should not be forgotten that there is a perfect balance in nature, and people's intervention in this balance can lead to unfavorable results. Therefore, it would be best to wish a "healthy" baby regardless of gender. The above information is provided only to inform parents who are confused with various sensations about this issue.


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