It is an upper respiratory viral disease due to cold rhinoviruses and mostly affects the nose. Cold and flu can cause runny nose, nasal congestion, sneezing, redness of the eyes, watery eyes, slight throat burning, sore throat and mild cough. However, complaints such as severe cough, sputum, malaise, high fever and headache are not seen, often the person can survive. Frequently, complaints take 1 week.
What is the difference between cold and flu?
Flu is also different from them, although it is often used in a similar way to colds and colds. Influenza fever is high, but cold (in the common cold) fever does not so high. Influenza is also a virus-related disease, but it is caused by a virus different from the flu virus called influenza virus. Complaints of the flu are more severe and cause complaints in other parts of the body besides the nose-upper respiratory tract. There is fever, cough, weakness, headache. Flu can cause epidemics in the community. Influenza is a more severe infection that "flips" in this way, while it is a simpler infection with complaints such as a runny nose and sneezing.
Treatment of flu and cold in pregnancy:
There is no specific drug treatment for virus infections such as colds, colds, flu. Antibiotics do not affect viruses, they affect bacteria, and therefore are not used in these diseases. The use of unnecessary antibiotics will not be beneficial and may make the situation more difficult with other side effects. For this reason, these diseases are treated with rest, plenty of fluids, vitamin supplements and painkillers - antipyretic drugs. No drugs, including painkillers and antipyretics, should be used during pregnancy without consulting a doctor. These can also be used to relieve nasal congestion, sprays, cough medicines that do not affect pregnancy. Antibiotics are added to the treatment only if it is accompanied by a bacterial infection, such as sinusitis, pneumonia.
To prevent flu and cold during pregnancy:
Such viral infections are transmitted through droplets among people. In other words, viruses that get into the air from the mouth and nose of other sick people are transmitted through breathing or direct contact with hands. For this reason, pregnant people should stay away from closed and crowded environments, especially in cold winter months. Hands should be washed frequently. Regular sleep, stress-free life and eating fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins will increase your body immune resistance, thus protecting you from such diseases. Vaccination can be given during pregnancy to prevent flu, but there is no vaccine for colds and colds.
Does it pose a risk for pregnancy or baby?
Infections such as flu and cold rarely pose a risk to the baby during pregnancy unless serious complications such as pneumonia are added. They can be easily overcome in 1-2 weeks at most with rest and other treatment methods described above.
Sneezing and coughing will not harm the baby.


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