Normally, there are 3 vessels in the umbilical cord. Two of them are umbilical artery, artery. One of them is the umbilical vein, the balls are veins. In the first stages of formation of the fetus, there are actually 2 right and left umbilical veins, but the right umbilical vein disappears and only the left umbilical vein remains.
Normally, arteries in the human body carry clean blood, that is, oxygen and nutrient-rich blood, the veins carry blood containing dirty blood, that is, carbon dioxide and waste. This is the opposite of the fetus's umbilical cord. The umbilical arteries carry dirty blood from the fetus to the placenta, the umbilical vein carries clean blood from the placenta to the fetus. In the case of a single umbilical artery, there is a umbilical artery and an umbilical vein in the umbilical cord.
The presence of a single umbilical artery occurs in 1% of all single births and in 5% of twins. It is not known exactly why this situation occurred.
In what cases is it more common?
- In the presence of diabetes and preeclampsia in the mother
- Olgihodramnios, in the presence of polhidramnios
- Pregnancies with chromosomal anomalies
- Twin pregnancies
- More common in baby girls
- It is more common in twin pregnancies
- Maternal age is advanced
- Multiparite
It can be recognized by the fact that ultrasound shows 2 vessels in the umbilical cord instead of 3 and the artery is larger than normal. Color Doppler can be seen to have a single artery with ultrasound, and it is observed that there is only one side of the bladder of the fetus.
What is the importance of having a single umbilical artery?
It has been reported that 20-30% of the fetuses with a single umbilical artery accompany some other anomalies. These can be various anomalies such as heart anomalies, digestive system anomalies, kidney and brain anomalies. Trisomy 18 is the most frequently observed chromosomal anomaly with a single umbilical artery. Death before or after birth due to these anomalies is seen in 10-20%. During pregnancy, developmental retardation is observed in 15-20% of fetuses.
The risk of miscarriage and preterm delivery in the single umbilical artery has also increased.
Almost half of the fetuses with a single umbilical artery are born completely healthy and without any anomaly.
Follow-up of pregnancy:
When a single umbilical artery is detected during pregnancy, it is absolutely necessary to investigate whether other anomalies accompany it. Fetal echocardiography should be performed. If other anomalies are found to be accompanied, amniocentesis can be performed for fetal chromosomal examination for chromosomal anomaly investigation. Although the risk of chromosomal anomaly is low when no other anomaly is detected, amniocentesis can be decided by discussing this risk with the family. In order to develop fetal growth retardation, it should be followed up with ultrasound measurements. Ultrasound is recommended to investigate "kidney" anomalies after birth.


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