Ovulation, is normally the release of the egg from the vesicles called follicles in the ovaries in the middle of each menstrual period. Self-ovulation tests that women can do at home are used to determine the day of ovulation and increase the chance of pregnancy by having a close relationship with this day. In order to understand with which mechanism the ovulation tests performed at home work, firstly how ovulation occurs and how the menstrual cycle takes place every month should be known.
How and when does ovulation and menstrual cycle occur?
The day when menstruation begins is the beginning of a menstrual period and the total menstrual period lasts about 1 month. (Intent is not just the days of bleeding, but the average one month from the first day of menstruation to the first day of menstruation.) At the beginning of this period, the FSH hormone secreted from the pituitary in the brain increases and gradually causes the egg to grow. The hormone estrogen is secreted from the growing egg follicle, and this hormone is increasing gradually like FSH. By the middle of the menstrual period (i.e. 14 days after menstrual bleeding), FSH and estrogen hormone increase to the highest levels, while a sudden increase in the secretion of LH hormone from the pituitary. This sudden increase in LH hormone (LH peak) is the main mechanism for ovulation, that is, ovulation. Ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after LH increase. Ovulation tests in urine detect this LH increase. Tests on saliva are also based on increased estrogen. After ovulation, estrogen, FSH, LH hormones decrease, progesterone hormone starts to increase. After ovulation, the follicle with the egg turns into corpus luteum and progesterone is released from there. If pregnancy does not occur, then a decrease in progesterone will initiate new menstrual bleeding. If pregnancy occurs, progesterone will maintain pregnancy in the uterus and continue to be secreted without decreasing.
Urine ovulation test, (LH test):
Urine test in urine detects the increase of LH hormone described above. When LH hormone increases in blood, it passes to urine. In order to catch this LH increase in urine, this test should be done every day near the day of ovulation. For this purpose, those who are regulars once a month can start the test 12 days after the menstrual bleeding begins and can test for 5 days every day. However, for women whose menstrual period is different, the test start time will change. See the table on the right for this. For example, individuals with a length of menstrual period, ie, the first day of one menstrual period to the first day of the other menstrual bleeding, should start on the 18th day by starting counting from the first day of the menstrual bleeding, they should test for 5 days. Because ovulation will start later in these women. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before the "onset" of menstrual bleeding. Ovulation day is difficult to predict in women whose periods are very irregular, in these cases, you should consult your doctor about when to start the test.
How to use the ovulation test (kit)? How is it done?
Depending on the brand of the tests, the way they are made and read may vary. In some, the urine is placed in the container and the test stick (ovulation kit) is immersed in the urine. In some, it is done by holding the test stick to the urine flowing while urinating. The rules of conducting and reading the test are written in detail in the box of the products, you should apply them carefully according to those rules. You should not use the first urine in the morning for the test, this can be misleading. Subsequent urine can be used. Alcohol, cigarette, antibiotic, painkiller, suppository (ovule), etc. it does not affect the test, but drugs such as hormone needles (cracking needles) used for ovulation treatment can affect and mislead the test. Taking too much water and liquid foods will dilute urine, so the concentration of LH in the urine decreases and the test may be false negative, so you should not drink more than 2 hours before doing the test.
When the ovulation test gives a positive result:
Although it varies by brand, two pink lines usually show that the test is positive, that there will be ovulation, and the only line indicates that there will be no ovulation that day. If the test is positive, that is, an increase in LH is detected, this means that after an average of 24-36 hours ovulation will occur. In this case, it will be appropriate to have intercourse 24 hours after applying the ovulation test. Because ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after LH increase and the egg cell can survive 24 hours.
Sperm can survive for an average of 3 days, while the woman's egg can survive for an average of 1 day. Therefore, pregnancy can occur even if people do not have a relationship on the full ovulation day. For example, in a woman who will ovulate on the 10th of the month, even if the relationship is on the 7-8th of the month, pregnancy can occur because sperm can live for 3 days. Likewise, even if the relationship is on the 11th of the month, pregnancy may occur because the egg cell can remain alive for 24 hours. For this reason, there is about 5 days before ovulation and after the woman can get pregnant in each menstrual cycle. It is impossible to have a pregnancy, although there is a relationship on other days.
Caution: Ovulation tests cannot be used as a contraceptive method.
With these tests, it is impossible to determine the day of ovulation and determine the relationship days accordingly and to protect against pregnancy. Because the days of sperm and egg survival, pregnancy occurrence days are variable, not a single day. For example, you may become pregnant depending on a relationship you have entered before doing the test.
Ovulation tests with saliva:
These tests are based on detecting the day of ovulation due to the increased estrogen hormone in the middle of the menstrual period as described above. It is not as useful as urine tests and they are not so common.
Ovulation detection by blood test or ultrasonography:
LH hormone can also be measured in the blood by assay and ovulation depending on its height can be estimated, but this method is not used much. Instead, the growth of the egg in ultrasonography shows us that ovulation is approaching. When the egg (follicle) size is about 18-20 mm, ovulation occurs. In addition, 1 week after ovulation day (21st day of menstruation), it is determined that there is ovulation that month with the determination of height in the measurement of progesterone in the blood when necessary. Sometimes, in the ultrasonography performed shortly after ovulation, fluid detection and ovulation area can be seen in the abdomen due to ovulation, but this is not always possible.


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